Your Journey Into World Heritage Your Journey Into World Heritage  

By successfully nominating the Greater Blue Mountains for World Heritage, Australia has undertaken to protect the area for all humanity. The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service is the government agency charged with ensuring that the special natural and cultural heritage of the mountains will survive for future generations.

The NPWS carries out a wide range of park protection programs in close co-operation with local communities, local government and other agencies. Introduced animals and plants such as feral pigs and blackberry are controlled, threatened species are monitored and protected, Aboriginal and historic places are looked after, human impacts are managed and fire is controlled and applied to protect both park neighbours and communities of native plants and animals.

Public enjoyment and appreciation is the other main focus for World Heritage management. NPWS provides and maintains an extensive network of roads, picnic areas, campsites, walking tracks, lookouts and other facilities. Visitors can use a range of NPWS information services such as maps, guidebooks, brochures, displays and the NPWS website. The Discovery program of ranger-guided activities is a flagship for the important work of promoting the special values of the Greater Blue Mountains to the community.